A major goal of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Oregon (UO) is to increase our broader impacts in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
Broader impacts are have the potential to positively benefit and contribute to the advancement of society through a variety of means. By the National Science Foundations’s (NSF) definition, broader impacts could include, but are not limited to:
– Advocating for public health
– Addressing global issues
– Increasing societal well-being
– Enhancing the workforce
– Creating transformative discoveries.
These impacts can be achieved either through research or other activities. In addition to participating in establish outreach programs at UO, students are encouraged to create impactful outreach activities according to their passions to increase STEM broader impacts. This website provides a sample of current and past activities developed by graduate students with focuses on promoting underrepresented minority group participation in STEM and enhancing chemical education for youth. For more information, visit the NSF and Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS) websites.
National Science Foundation Broader Impacts Perspective
National Alliance for Broader Impacts Guiding Principles