Week 6.

Instead of hosting our own meeting on Week 6 (since it was Election Day), we opted to attend the Science Teaching Journal Club sponsored by the Science Literacy Program and Teaching Education Program at UO.

“Learning management systems such as Canvas provide instructors with a number of ways to control students’ access to course materials. Among these is conditional release: requiring students to complete one activity, perhaps to a specified degree of mastery, before being allowed to begin the next. This week’s paper explores the circumstances under which conditional release promotes student learning. To prepare, please read: Fisher, L., Brinthaupt, T. M., Gardner, J., & Raffo, D. (2015). The effects of conditional release of course materials. Journal of Student Success and Retention Vol, 2(1).”

Supplemental Reading

[embeddoc url=”https://chemimpacts.uoregon.edu/files/2020/11/Week-6-Readings.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]


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